Around the World Reading Challenge Update

   Alrighty, it's been about six(ish) months since I talked about my "Around the World Reading Challenge," but for those of you that don't know what the hell I'm talking about, I'll give you a tldr. If you want to read the full blog post I'll leave it here: But basically, I'm planning on reading my way around the world, so the gameplan is to read two books from every country, one in which the author is from that country and one that is set there or the main character is from that country. Now that you know what's going on, let me tell you how much I ignored this. Now, it's not like I decided to give up on this, but I just have so many books I want to read and I wasn't really paying attention to any nationalities. So let's talk about the actual update, also I won't be talking about the ones that I talked about in the first post.

Countries completed:

Countries I Need to Read a book from an author from there:
-North Korea

Countries I Need to Read a book set from there:
-Dominican Republic

Countries I Haven't Read anything from:
-Antigua and Barbuda
-Bosnia and Herzegovina
-Burkina Faso
-Cape Verde
-Central African Republic
-Cook Islands
-Democratic Republic of the Congo
-Costa Rica
-Cote d'Ivoire
-Republic of Cyprus
-East Timor
-El Salvador
-Equatorial Guinea
-Farce Islands
-The Gambia
-Republic of Macedonia
-Marshall Islands
-Federated States of Micronesia
-New Zealand
-Saint Kitts and Nevis
-Saint Lucia
-Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
-San Marino
-Sao Tome and Principe
-Saudi Arabia
-Sierra Leone
-Solomon Islands
-South Africa
-South Korea
-South Sudan
-Sri Lanka
-Trinidad and Tobago
-United Arab Emirates
-Vatican City

Okay, now that the mega list is done, time to talk about the future. Update number one, and the big one, I am going to finish this challenge by the end of the year, well at least hope. I know that sounds highly ambitious, but this has been done before in a year, so I'm going to try to take the bull by the horn and focus on this, I have a lot of books on my TBR that are set all around the world so hopefully that helps and I'm currently reading some books that will knock some of these challenges out. Now update 2: I'm gonna be updating this about every 3/4 months rather than every 6 months so I can keep this a little more in the front of my head. So that's about it. Hope you all are excited about this journey and if you have any suggestions for books, don't hesistate to leave them in the comments below.


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