One Of Us is Lying Review

**This is review is going to have spoilers in it, but they will be sectioned off. If you all like this format, I'll continue it.**

   Alright, so this book came out last year and oh my goodness I was blown away by this book! I read this book back in July and this book is still sticking in my mind. For those of you who haven't heard about this book it's essentially The Breakfast Club meets Pretty Little Liars. When Bronwyn, Addy, Nate, Cooper, and Simon are all sent into detention little did they know that one of them is not going to coming out alive. When the four are suspected of murdering the fifth, they must "team up" to figure out who killed the fifth. What I loved about this book is that this book covers SO MANY different issues high schoolers face: the perfection strive, relationships, bullying, and the presence of social media without it feeling like it's intentionally trying to make you focus on these issues. Also this book jumps between the points of view of the four who make it out as the case progresses so you start to question who did it. My one complaint is that I don't know how realistic this is with the actual investigation. I know a lot of books do this where the protagonist who has no training in criminal investigation are not only investigating the crime, but sometimes even giving the police key evidence (this was my biggest problem with This is Our Story). HOWEVER, this book made it make a little bit more sense. The police were HELLBENT on making one of the four, if not all four, guilty of the crime and weren't looking at any other angle, so that's what the four do, but this is a trope that I'm not sure would lead in a mistrial so I'm not sure. All in all, I loved this book and I highly recommend this book if you haven't read it yet.


Okay, so I maybe the only person that says this about this book, but I loved Simon. I think in terms of an antagonist, he's so bloody original I love him. I know he's an ass for basically commending school shooters and everything, but in terms of his suicide, I love how exact he was able to make his revenge. Also let me say this I AM NOT CONDONING SIMON'S ACTIONS! But I think where Karen McManus could have made Simon into a cookie cutter school shooter, she made him into this mad genius was something I really enjoyed. Also something else I loved about this book was how simple it was too. You had all the information for who killed Simon right from the beginning, there wasn't any surprise randos at the end (although you did have the guy that was paid to orchestrate a car crash, but that was more of a distraction) and this story is maybe the perfect example of Occam's Razor, the simpliest conclusion is usually the right conclusion. While there is a bit of conspiracy (on behalf of Simon), it was a simple case, Simon laced his cup with peanut oil to kill himself and most people, including the police, wanted to believe a complicated plot involving four people who didn't really know each other.


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