Murder Monday #7 The Parachute Murder

    Okay, if there was ever a way to end the month of love it's with talking about the Parachute Murder, granted I never heard of it before I started researching for the blog, but oh boy are you guys in for a doozy.

   So, everything started on November 18, 2006, when Els Van Doren, Els Clottemans, and Marcel Somers went skydiving together and it ended up with Van Doren's primary and reserve parachute failing to deploy, causing her to fall to her death from the height of over 2 miles. The police established that the cords of the parachute had been cut and Van Doren's video camera captured the dive (I have no idea if the video is out there, but I didn't really want to watch someone plummet to their death.) As the police continued the investigation and learned of a love triangle between the three of them, in which Clottemans was in love with Sommers and Sommers was in love with Van Doren AND Van Doren and Clottemans had a sexual relationship with Sommers. So Clottemans started to look suspicious and she became a suspect when she attempted suicide before she was going to give a second statement to the police. The evidence the police had was all circumstantial, but Clottemans did have the opportunity to cut the cables since they had spent the weekend together before the dive, also Clottemans stayed on the plane for a few extra seconds and watched Van Doren dive, even though they would usually jump together. Essentially Clottemans' motive for murdering Van Doren was that she was her love rival.

  Clottemans was charged in January 2007 but was released on bail in 2008, and her trial began on September 24, 2010. She maintained her innocence but was ultimately found guilty and sentenced to a 30 year sentence.


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