Murder Monday #3 HH Holmes
Let's talk about one of the most notorious killers: HH Holmes, the man with his own murder house. HH Holmes was born on May 16, 1861, as Herman Webster Mudgett in Gilmanton, New Hampshire to an affluent family. He was fairly intelligent at an early age with an interest in medicine and he reportedly practiced surgery on animals, tick one for the MacDonald triangle. He graduated high school at the age of 16 and worked as a teacher after graduation. On July 4, 1878, he married Clara Lovering and had a son named Robert on February 3, 1880. At the age of 18, he enrolled at the University of Vermont, but after one year he left and then in 1882, he enrolled at the University of Michigan and graduated two years later. Before he graduated, Clara took his son and left back to New Hampshire, people that knew them would say Holmes treated Clara cruelly. His schemes started in medical school where he would steal corpses to make false insurance claims. ...