Living Dead Girl Review

If you need a book that just leaves you saying "Whoa!" then oh boy do I have a book for you. This book is about fifteen-year-old Alice who has been held against her will for the past five years, honestly as a sex slave. The "man" who holds her, Ray, keeps her at home, away from anyone that she could tell, makes claims that Alice is mentally handicapped, so even if she tells anyone, no one would believe her, since he was "such an upstanding man." Also, Ray reminds her fairly often if she tells anyone, he will go and kill Alice's family. Alice knows that Ray will kill her because he keeps talking about her death and Alice is damned if she's not going out without a fight. Now, I'm gonna give heavy trigger warnings for rape and pedophilia. This book is so so so dark and twisted, but honestly probably accurate. I don't want to say more than that because I don't know what else to say because this isn't a long book (under 200 page...