October New Releases

THIS IS HALLOWEEN, THIS IS HALLOWEEN! It's October, probably one of my most favorite months and this month's new releases are just making me more excited! Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J Maas Genre: YA, Fantasy Release Date: Oct 23 AHHHHH! The Throne of Glass series is ending! I started reading this series last year and I'm pretty sad that it's ending. So instead of me explaining this book, let me just explain what the series is about. This book takes place in a kingdom in which magic is forbidden and the series follows mainly a female assassin named Celaena Sarodthein who at the beginning of the series is in a work prison, but she has an opportunity to be released. By competing to become the king's assassin. Now the series has enveloped so much more, but because I'm not even caught up, I don't want to spoil the last books (I'm currently reading Queen of Shadows), even though probably everyone has read, if not heard of, the Throne of Glass se...