August New Releases

While some of you might be going back to school, that doesn't mean that I'm gonna stop reading. Okay I gotta stop with these cheesy openings let's get into the new releases. Catwoman: Soulstealer by Sarah J Maas Genre: Release Date: August 7 Now I have to admit, I'm not knowledgeable about super heroes, Marvel, DC, all that; BUT I am slowly trying to get into them (if you guys follow me on Goodreads, which you should, you will see all the comics I've been reading recently). Now with that all aside this book is about Selina Kyle (who I assume is catwoman) who after escaping Gotham City's slums learns that Batman is off and Batwing is left to hold down the fort, which means Gotham City is ripe for the taking. Now my main allure to wanting to read this because one: like I said, trying to get into superheroes, two I love shady people as protagonists, and three, SARAH J MAAS! A Killer's Mind by Mike Omer Genre: Mystery, Thriller Release Date:...