Hyped Books I HAVEN'T Read

Okay, so for many of you, you probably don't know that I haven't really read that much in the past six years. Well I got back into it in the past year, but honestly I think from 2011 until 2017, I read maybe five or six books. I know, it's devastating and because of that INCREDIBLY long reading slump there's a lot of books that I haven't read yet. So I've scoured through my Goodreads to read list along with watching some Booktubers talk about some very hyped books. I will say, it's okay to be shocked that I haven't read these, but don't worry, I will be getting to them. In fact you can keep up with everything I read not only on my Goodreads, but also Knives as Bookmarks has a Twitter and Instagram, so you can keep up with the blog on there and maybe even control my future TBRs, we'll see where that goes, so go ahead and follow me on those at KnivesasBookmarks. But anyways, let jump into the part where I shame myself for not reading pretty mu...