February New Releases
One month down, eleven to go and if you're struggling with your New Year's Resolution of reading more, fear no more here are some new releases that I'm super excited about, maybe this will get you out of that reading slump. The Phantom's Apprentice- Heather Webb Release Date: 2.6.18 Genre: Retellings So usually when you hear about retellings, you think about fairy tales dating back to the Grimms brothers, not The Phantom of the Opera. This book is about Christine who must make the choice of becoming a star at the Paris Opera, which was what her father always wanted, or to become a master of illusions, which is her dream. First, she need to steal the secret of the master who haunts her. I've Got This Round- Mamrie Hart Release Date: 2.6.18 Genre: Memoir, Nonfiction, Humor So I love Mamrie Hart. I love her videos and her humor, which is why I'm excited for this book. This humorous memoir talks about her entering her 30s and single, where she fi...