This is Our Story Review

So if you're a fan of Pretty Little Liars, I feel you're gonna enjoy this book. This book is great for when you just wanna snuggle in for a page turner. This book is surrounded by the death of one Grant Perkins, a teenage prep school boy, who was killed by one of his friends: Logan, Henry, Shep, or John Michael. The problem is that all the boy were at least drunk or high when Grant was shot, no one remembers the details of the night, and every one of the boys had held and shot the gun that killed Grant. Now these four are suspects in a possible murder and are currently in a public high school while their parents, who are pretty damn wealthy, are trying to push the matter under the rug. So in comes Kate Marino, a senior at the public high school who also has an internship with the prosecutor that is in charge of the Grant Perkins case, but Kate has been corresponding with the victim the night before he was killed. Or was she? What I loved about this book...